
I'm Steven

an architect and programmer *

Welcome to my foray into software development.
Steven Profile Image

I've been an architect since I was a kid - officially I became licensed in 2020. It's been an incredible journey. Along the way I’ve been told I’d make an excellent programmer. When I began writing code I found it engaging. The two share much in common; we navigate abstract concepts and create unique solutions to ill defined problems. As an architect I think through many possible outcomes evaluating every constraint or opportunity from initial concept to final construction. Coordinating the efforts of multiple disciplines and prioritizing the needs of the client while simultaneously keeping the big picture in view and managing details comes with the territory of practicing architecture. I am fastidious by nature and leverage my architectural experience in everything I do.

* During the lockdown I enrolled in a software development bootcamp offered by Eleven Fifty. Since then I've kept learning online through various courses and earning certificates. I'm primarily intrested in making things - programming is another way for me to do that. The tools are different but the process is similar.


These are some projects I completed as part of my coursework at Eleven Fifty.

Skills: #C - ASP.NET Web MVC - Razor - REST API - Postman - CSS - HTML - Github - Agile Methodologies

DoWhat – ASP.NET MVC Web App

Overcome decision fatigue by deciding what needs to be done with the time you have.

By creating lists of 'to-do' items and then linking them to categories and expected duration to complete, tasks can be assigned to the user based on those constraints. As a final project for the course many of the components for this project came together through self guided research and experimentation. This web application was designed using N-Tier architecture and deployed on Azure.

Visit the Github Repo here

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Slot Me – .NET API Web App

Connecting artists with free time to clients who want to book gigs.

In a small group we learned to collaborate on different parts of the app independently via Github and verified our endpoints with Postman. After extensive outlining of our data structure with foreign keys, models and services, I managed the repository and made pull requests for merging our code into a finalized project.

Visit the Github Repo here

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24hr API

In teams of two we only had “24 hours” to complete our first "from scratch" ASP.NET Web API build. We learned how to construct endpoints that simulate a Social Media API following APIE and SOLID patterns and principles. The focus of this project was more about learning to use Git in a collaborative way rather than building a fully functional API.

Visit the Github Repo here

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Gold Badge Challenges

For this assignment we completed a select variety of Console App Challenges. In this prompt I was asked to create a user interface to implement CRUD on a repository of access badges and employee details. Here we see the DisplayAllBadges method that shows a list of all the Badge IDs created and which doors they have access to.

Visit the Github Repo here

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Console Game
Console Game

Collaborating as a small team, we wrote a text based Console Application game in the form of an Escape Room. We took turns writing aspects of the choose-your-own-adventure story and ensured that the game could be played from start to finish with all possible paths through the game being tested.

Visit the Github Repo here

Console Game
CSS Creature

As we were learning about CSS styling rules and properties we were given the assignment to create an image of a creature using nothing but HTML and CSS. Through a series of relatively positioned and transformed boxes grouped in a hierarchy of classes and ID selectors, the head of a puppy emerged.

Visit the CodePen here

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